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uRm....lAmo dOp updAtE.....*cOz hV aLot Of hmwOrk!ckgU bAek ati bAb tu bG omwEp tUh....
dOp rplY kOmen2 kT fS.....
dOp tGk spOngEbOb ngAn bdOp2...
malah nOp nUlih dOh....
pAhni nk g UmOh mOksdAro plOp.....
k lA...........
AsSaLaMuaLaiKum........hUh!...pEnat nyOh Ai nEh......knO nyipE mAkmAl sAinS n mAktAbAh.......coz bd0p fOrm 1 wat LawatAn sUai knAl sKoLoh EtEp.......Tp wALaupOn pEnAt Aku hAppY c0z bdAk2 foRm1 yg comAm2 tU kLakAr2....dsEbabkAn LetiH sGt..Ak mAkan bnYak ai nEh.....*mAkE adElaH hobI kU.....*::s0km0 maKE......hUrm......Esop bR buLih bkU,mEsti bErAt bEg ciAn ko waNa,yo d0p Lam kElas jEk ai nEh....bOrim Sgt mUjo La Ado kwN hop bAnyok citO cam sHikIn...d0p La boRim sGt bd0p2 nEh......::kIEn.....bGus tUw aDo byk ciTo....n rmAi pEndEngAr yG sEtiA.....hikhikhikhik...^_^tu jE Ai nEh Aku LetIh SgT.....mUaAhh......2 mYsElf....coZ i Luv mY sElf....**bAibAiBoO**
kuL 5.30 pg until 6.45 pg......:: aku bsiap untuk ke skolah,solat,brEakfast......:: sAlAm ngAn mAk..btolak kE skolah,muLa2,pErgi hntar aDik p0mpuan Aku yg bR msUk fOrm1,kAt MMP...sAmpAi siTu Lam kUl 7.07 mnt pG...tHeN,pUsiNg bLik utUk hnTr AdIk LakI Ak yg f0RM3Kt MML,sMpAi Lam KuL 7.20 mnt pG...n tEruS kE sRi ABIM utuK hntr aDik Ak ygdrJaH 6,4,2...sMpai Lam kuL7.27 mnt pG...Aku kElEwaTaN...tP aYah ak cKp ai ptamE xpE La lWat p0n...akU,,,Diam jEk....::oN thE way kE SekolAh,jln bz sgt,sbb ai ni sEsi psEkoLahAn bmUla unTuk 2009... msE Lalu kt dpAn sEkolAh rndH dkT chEmpakE,mAta Aku hAnyA tTumpU kT kwsN tuhIngga lAh Ak liHt sEorG mAkciK ,tErAsa cAm tErpanDang ArwAh tEacHEr..Tp Ak tdk dPt mlIhAt uTk PndGn kE2...Ak hnYA mEmikiR kn tEacHer aku....tErasA sEdih sGt,sBb akU xdE pLuAng lG utk ziarah n bacE YaSsin utk diA...mCm2 bErmain dLm FkrAn Ak...SmPai xSeDar yG Ak hmPir smpAi diDepan pgR sKolaH akU...Rmai sgt oRg mSe tu...::tEpat kUl 7.35 pG...ak smPai dsEkolAh...Ak saLaam nGan AyAh Ak...RmAi sGt oRang...hUrm...sSh nk Cr kwan2 Aku....::LasTLy akU jUmpE kwN2 akU.... hAppY SgT.....^_^ Ak tRus nAik tiNgKat Atas bGnAn sEkolah Aku n kTorG dDuk dKt dGn bRAndA utK Lht bDk2 PeLajar mSuk... kit0Rg borak2 n mcm2..... coz happy sgt..... tp stiLL xpEcayE yg kit0rG da form 5..... hAhAhA***P/s::stIll bLur wLaUpUn dA fOrm5....HeHehE....::msE tu ktorG still kt stu ag... tiBa2..ckgu dtg n tEll kitorG yg jAp ag msUk kLas utk dbEritahu tntG pndAftaRan smUla... kitoRg jUz ckP "OK"... sKali Lg mAtA akU xbErganjAk dR pinTu mSuk skOLah... i sAw hEr aGain.... she??? diD im drEam...??? Air mAtE mnGalir nGan cEpat... Aku tRus Lap air MatA bEforE somE bodY sEe... And yEs,,,,shE is a womEn thAt i saW at sk cHempaka.... with somEonE...maybE hEr doughter.... my eyes trying to follow her... but so many of people at therE... sudden,myfriend was cAll me.... kiTorg msUk kE klaS utK dGr takLimat.... ::sUdh jE tAklImat aK n kWan2 tErsus mSuk kElas yg dbErith oLeh guRu s/u SPM cikGu balkiS...kitOrg pon tErus cR tmpAt tp tmpT kmI... hUrmmm...cAm biAsE aDe La yg dtG mnyIbuk n kAtE yg tu tmpt diE yg tndE... tP akU dPt dUduk gAk kt stU tp Aku ngAn iwa jE,spupu akU... 2 lg kwn Ak,natRah ngAn nUrEzaNA....' tErpAksE duDuk kt blKang.... ktorg xpuAs,unTuk tdk mngEruhkn kEadAan kmi diAm jEk.....p/s::kwAn2 kU sAbAr jE ek.... p/s::yg pEntiM stUdY.....::akU n kwn2 kE blik grU untuk dftAr... rmai sgT guru bru.... coME on gIrLs....wE cAn do iT....SPM hEre wE cOmE.... p/S::kOyA..... dah la pAnje sgT...da ngantuk neh...es0p nk p SkolAh pLop....NitE.....wAssALam....(0_0)"
pg td ujE...mEta jaH.....cEroh molEk doh nEh smUa kErja kt umAh da la timE ak rilEx....(jap jE...nti knE p tsyEn lak)huRm,,,,ak adE msE lam2 jam jE nak rEst....nt nK siaP2 p tsyEn lam kul 3ptG....subjek B.I.....x sbR wEs nk P ......Es0p skOloH...bJ skUl ak x strEkow ag...malAm ni Ah.....Erm.d0p sAbAr eh n0p g skul.....hiks3...n0p g jup0 saEm2 h0p lm0 d0p jup0......n0p jup0 cEkgU cEkgi.....Erm...nt ak p0st plop.....ak nop g makE jap.....SeE you AfteR thiS.....
hUahuAhuA~~~~mAkE jAh kijo'E....dap p0 la asa kAm ak idUp bhAgi0 jAh......**bAibAiBo0o0o**
bLur..bLuR..bluR..boUt whAt?Urm...AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAa.....!!!should i continue this scrEamiNg?rEaLLy,i dont bEliEvE thAt im turningto0 form 5 this yEar...hakS3....whY? am i wierd??hUh!yEs...n0w,im sEarchiNg my way to bEm0rE bEstiEst,m0rE ExcELLenT,m0rE m0rAl(actually im still g0od girl)huahahaha....jUz makE pr0ud on mysELf....dont caRe bout mE i still havE chance to do thats all?im still playing with this situation....sincE,im still in trouble...with about relationship...and the way how i should solve it all...havE morE friEnds actually...but,i have close friends...somebody who read this should not tell them...because you know them...huahahaha~~im not *mEngUmpaT* but this the sorry if somebody think this not go0d....ok the story is,they hv a lil prob....ofcourse bout the study n on still thinking,what the reasons that they go to school ?just because their parents were forcing them orjust follow friends or because they still on dillema bout study?and unitention on it...and make friends beside them will dediated on their study to0....i think i should st0p at hErE lol....
making mE tirEd to think thats all...
but im already disgorge it from my heart.....
half maybe.....*n0w s0mebody please tell me something that you can tell me bout this...
*up to you....
sElamAt tAhUn bArU sEmUa......mAkE uR nEw drEam..
timE vEry imp0RtaNt t0 uS...timE is likE a rivEr,it cAnt sT0p on thE sAmE watEr twicE.....bEcAusE thE fLow thAt hAs pAsSeD,wiLL nEvEr c0mE bAcK tO yOu,dOnt wAstE y0Ur timE 0n thE tHinGs yOu d0nt LikE t0 instEad LivE yOuR LifE t0 thE fULLesT...thE w0Rd nErvoUse on mY lifE that alSo pLayinG n0w is,i will bE thE eLdEst at mY sch0oL,SPM,timE,drEam t0o biG,peoplE around mE,cAn i fiNish it All on tHis nEw yEaR...sound likE it difficult,
but,im still havE highEst c0nfidEnt n0w...h0pE it f0r aLoNg timE....iNsyAaLlaH.....*wiSh mE AlL thE bEst...