30 November 2008


awalnya aku tidak percaya diri
dengan pakaian yang tertutup rapi
kawan-kawan kata aku tidak trendy
tapi abi berkata aku cantik begitu pun ummi

wahai kawan yang bermimpi sanjungan
cantik bukan bererti buka-bukaan
cantik bukan selalu berdandan
dan cantik bukan bererti seornag pujaan

ku ulurkan jilbabku hingga terasa damai hatiku
ku longgarkan pakaianku sehingga tertutup bentuk tubuhku
ku lakukan semuanya itu demi cintaku pada rabbi-ku
dan ku berbisik dalam hatiku,semoga engkau bahagia melihatku

andai semua orang memahami
cantik lahir bukanlah ukuran
tapi cantik hati memikat semua orang
dan yang utama bebudi pekerti
seperti yang rasul contohkan

tiada ungkapan perpisahan dalam persahabatan....
walaupun maut menjadi noktahnya....
kerana seorang sahabat itu terlalu istimewa...
dalam doa saudaranya yang lain...
biarpun tanpa bayangannya....

indahnya persahabatan


wahai nabi,suruhlah isteri-isterimu dan anak-anak perempuanmu
serta perempuan-perempuan yang beriman...
supaya melabuhkan pakaiannya bagi menutup seluruh tubuh nya
(semasa mereka keluar),
cara yang demikian lebih sesuai untuk mereka dikenal,
(sebagai perempuan yang baik-baik)
maka dengan itu mereka tidak diganggu...
dan (ingatlah) allah adalah maha pengampun,lagi maha mengasihani...

(al-ahzab 33-59)


sentuhan merdu gitarmu membuatku sedar akan hadir nya cinta muuntuk ku...
kau ucap lirik lagu ciptaanmuhanya untuk ku...dengan penuh bahagia kau ukir senyuman muuntuk ku....
suara mu mengetuk pintu hatiku.....supaya terbuka untukmu....ku terima cintamu...kau kasihku dan kau muzik ku....
did you know how much i love you...love without any dissapointed....bec0z i know this love will never ends......

somEone gv 2 mE...ahahaha...dunno why.....she told me that u can post this on ur blog....and thanks chingu......

~pErjUmpaan ngan kAwan2 lamEr~

ha...ni kawan2 lamer....mse ni lpas pjumpaan ngan ustaz faisal...let me intro them....start ngan bj merah,ilman,saddam(dulu pEndek skang tggi da mningkat)aqiL(bud0p koya),ayamil(anop branop cino),nazrin(koya macho),loQman(nusuk tok napok),asyran(da tinggi gak),mujahida(uda comel skang),hik~9..aku la 2...then ilmi(die xske bgmbar)......kwn2 ktoram yg laen da blik,coz dorg punyr makpak dtg awl.......besh kwn ngan koram...moga kiter sume dpt bhbung sokmo~2..........

hErE........i want to express this time of sadness...even if you hear it after all the sadness seattered...close your eyes and try to feel my shaking heart...and see the gilter in my eyes when i face you...dont wait for special miracles...the street where we meet is right infront of your eyes...i cant change the future and habits that i dont know of...i cant abandom them either...please protect me with unchanging love...all the way up to my scarred heart...there is no for words within my gaze...time has finally come to a stop...i love you and at the end and of my wondering...i started to miss that feeling...i will now say good bye...to the repeated sadness within this word...on the many unknown reads...i chase after that aim light...no matter how long it takes...its something we will do together...after all,its my world where we can meet again like this...i feel the dark night a lone...your soft tender breathing...warms up the moment...so that i can now express all my trumblings...even just think of you...i become stronger...please help me so that i dont cry...this moment feeling is something we made together...

29 November 2008

my big family

ni raye taun lepas..........ni skit je....lau yg laen ade agi...alamaknyE d0p muat....huahuahua~~

huRmMm ~_~

hurmm....bored~cold,coz its rain at out...play wif my yeodongseng[lil bro]...ekeke~fun play wif him...olso makinG our situation fun,cheer,lought*...huhuhuhuhu~O_0"..ai ni ak dpt lsn L tuk moto...but at sudden somethin happen 2 me la....hakhakhak...dun wanna tell here....now me n my sweet yeodongseng eat somethin coz we both feel hungry....[wafret twin cloud9]....yummY~~~~

~l0okinG 4 drEam of~

hOw big is yOur drEam???*afraid Of EvErything arOund...*sincE wE havE a drEam...*lovE will nevEr Ends untill die...

how long have we been waiting?so many days stained with tears and deep breaths...we could bear time...for we were together...cold and strange looks toward us...sometimes forcing us to give up...however,whenever so,there was the dream of mine that protected me....wishing on a star,to the star up above the clouds...i promise i will never give up... as long as someone hears me...i would be happier than anyone else...sometime,i made a mistakes...things were not as easy as i thought...whenever so,there was a dream of mine that protected me...wanna be a star,like the star up the sky...i will reach high and slow brighter than anyone else...as long as someone hears my song...i will keep singing on forever...i want cry anymore...i will hold up tears..i will start smilling...although the path im on would be rough...i will make my way...i can tell...someday my dream will come true...

ahaha...my first caption on this blog....

annEyong guY....
lastly i've do my blog as long as im wait 4 this time......nway,i dun hv nothin 2 say 4 this tym....
but mayb on next tym.....
my nick name is nisa......
still student at ugama(arab)....